How Was The Game? (May 30, 2015)

Clip art illustration of a Cartoon Tiger with a Missing Tooth

An ambush. 

Angels 8, Tigers 6

At the end of the day, it looked like the Tigers made a game of it, but they simply couldn’t overcome Shane Greene’s (11 GS, 60.2 IP, 5.19 ERA, 4.53 FIP) disastrous outing. Greene gave up five homers and seven runs in fewer than two innings, but the bullpen did their job, holding the Angels to just one additional run the rest of the way. They pecked away after a Yoenis Cespedes homer and Kinsler ended his homer-less streak, but the six runs didn’t measure up. They’ll try to avoid a sweep with David Price (10 GS, 66.2 IP, 2.97 ERA, 3.29 FIP) Sunday night.

The Moment: Cespedes mashes one.

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